Natural Fusion Creates The Evolving Universe

Natural Fusion Creates The Evolving Universe

What is Natural Fusion?

Mother Nature invented it! We are happily becoming skilled in the art of being naturalists in the study of what we call Natural Fusion™.

We’ve learned how to cultivate it in our practical atom-ecology ‘house plants’.

It’s rather like a new ‘origin of species’ or in this case, species equates to nuclides.

Working down low, in and among the incredibly tiny environments where atoms are the defining pieces of Nature, it should not be surprising that those atoms behave more like a living ecosystem than as cold inanimate parts of equations. This is where complexity and simplicity merge. Mother Nature doesn’t do ‘simple’ very well, she is completely transfixed with mixing a ‘little of this’ and a ‘little of that’, and she repeats her mixing and stirring until the ingredients begin to evolve on their own, the means by which this happens we call Natural Fusion™.

atom-ecology fuel pellets

Tiny ‘atom-ecology’ cold fusion ‘lhc’ fuel pellets about 1/10th of a cm2 each yield tens of watts of ‘natural fusion’ heat.

Here at Atom-Ecology our complex mixtures of ‘cold fusion elements’ allow for the evolution, self-organization, of isotopes to interact and manage the intersection and exchange of matter and energy in their local domain. Our selected promiscuous and enabling nuclides, light and heavy, facilitate energy and fusion reactions.

These fusions happen because of the presence of an abundance of natural nuclear fusion fuel, mostly deuterium (heavy hydrogen). Cold Natural Fusion is further assisted which is helped to occur when it enters into an ultra-dense state.

What we see in Natural Fusion

Given our extensive decades-long measurement of ‘natural fusion’ heat associated with 4He (and 3He) it is clear the D+D fusion is the principal reaction. (You’ll find an abundance of reading on this work on this blog.) Our newly reported and unique gammas that accompany the D+D fusion are correlated to no more than 1/10e7-8 of the fusions, rare but indisputably there. The way ‘natural fusion works’, my hypotheses, is via its ‘self-organizing’ ecosystem where many other nuclides must collaborate to facilitate the D+D reactions. They do this by negotiating to distribute the fusion energy amongst them in very short time frames at relatively great distance within the matrix.

The gammas we observe are some of the convincing evidence of the fast energy transfer from the DD/4He excited state amongst many distant nuclides. Upon acceptance of this energy, those nuclides in-turn become briefly excited to varying degrees. Some, not all, of those excited state nuclides become gamma emitters that we observe in our Geiger’s and Gamma Spectrometers. Without this organized help, with many nuclei bearing their share of the e=mc2 energy burden, in the amalgam of entangled assisting nuclides, the primary DD fusion is prohibited. The music plays only when the dancers are willing to dance. That’s simply the way the atom-ecology of cooperative natural fusion works.

Our main focus remains: first and foremost – large levels of heat production; second – observation of associated and prescriptible gamma emissions; third- study of EMF features; fourth … – study of other characteristics including RF. I still have much interest in the anomalous stimulation of the natural fusion reactions by solar and cosmic rays of unknown nature but with absolute certainty.

How we see this ‘encouraged’ natural selection

This natural fusion, common everywhere in the dense matter of the universe, provides the means to empower those ingredients to allow for the observed nucleosynthesis of pretty much everything.  The common notion that hydrogen fusion stops when it reaches the iron nucleus may be set aside when many atom ‘natural fusion’ is brought into the picture. We see this clearly with our present atom naturalist tools, some might call them nuclear physicist tools.

These include a selection of precise ‘microscopes’ from our Geiger Mueller arrays, to our multiple gamma spectrometers and mass spectrometers, and of course our calorimeters. The data these instruments provide leads us to remarkable new mathematics and models that allow for the prediction and explanation of many natural fusion reactions along with their unique associated gamma and energy transfer signatures. This model is proving to be superior to the standard model.

Gamma Spectrometer

State of the art gamma spectrometers have, courtesy of modern laptop computers, become as ubiquitous and useful as a birdwatchers binoculars.

Our natural fusion ‘microscopes’ allow us to capture the fine detail of the atomic energy heat-producing D+D natural fusion reactions that produce the utilitarian heating reactions in our atom-ecology house-plants. These ‘plants’ are expected to soon become so simple that they will heat your home, provide you with hot water for your bath, for pennies per year.

Or for those who like to think large, our especially large natural fusion ‘potted plants’ hanging beneath the wing of a modern passenger plane will provide the clean, emission, free energy to fly you over the river, and past the woods, to grandmothers house or to Mars and beyond.

Central to our ‘natural fusion™ gardening’ is the fact that the Universe is 99% a fantastic form of hydrogen. Most of this hydrogen is neither in the single nor diatomic form we have all learned about. The universe is made mostly of ultra-dense hydrogen, where many hydrogen nuclei, when in the presence of other larger atoms, fit into the volume a single hydrogen atom. This is Mother Natures way. She has thrown everything into the stew pot, and has the infinite patience to simply wait, watch and see what evolves. Everything must get along as there is no place else to be.

compact fusion bulb

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Here at Atom-Ecology we have many ideas, based on 30 years of being engaged in observing Nature and her atoms, as to what is especially beautiful or useful as revealed in our ‘house plants.’ Everywhere on this blog you may read more about Natural Fusion™ in its many forms as seen in its many signature reactions.