Arata San, Samurai Fusion
So why an out-of-the-box Palo Alto garage experimentalist would insert himself into the personal laboratory of Japan’s most famous Physicist. This in-spite of called and asked if it was true that I was invited to work in the famed Arata San’s personal lab and being told what an incredible honour that was but to “watch your back.”
But but but Arata was an incredible inventor and experimentalist and just because he has an entire gigantic building named after him on the campus of the University of Osaka that shouldn’t make him a “company man.” Oops, his company man. Samurai fusion man with a razor sharp intellect and incredible experiments and apparatus.
His invitation after seeing my work in experiments I was performing at Stanford Research International, “come to my laboratory you teach me your sonofusion and I will teach you my nano-particle fusion. Sounded like my idea of garage and dating science to me!
And it was for a good long time… it was an uplifting experience. All helium all of the time.
More to come on the story of working with the Shogun of Japanese applied physics.