A Russian scientist has reported on his success at reproducing the Rossi HOT CAT Dr. Alexander Parkhomov reports on his success in fully independently replicating the Hot…

Martin Fleischmann Quotes “I am a caricature of what British science is about in the way I work.” “One of my theme songs is that…

The earliest published reference to “duck soup,” meaning something that’s a cinch, was in 1902. Martin Fleischmann who lived out his life on Duck Street…

The real story of cold fusion is a challenge to write. There is more to the story of cold fusion and that is its real…

Trapped between true mysteries and beauty of the universe and the directorate of approved thought. A tale of science fiction and science reality In the…

Out of the box cold fusion has attracted more than a few Nobel Laureates. The late Donald Cram is one that few know had an…

How knowing about rabbit holes leads to the evidence for deuteron stripping reactions One of many paths in the world of cold fusion My longtime…

New science shows gaping vacancies just below the surface of metal oxides This may change everything we know about catalysts! Years ago I was lucky…

Scientists at Los Alamos have been working and producing cold fusion in glow discharge experiments for 20 years. Glow discharge ‘fluorescent’ cold fusion experiments haven’t…

The US Navy is the remaining developer of nuclear engineering in the USA. 20+ years of US Navy cold fusion research presented Wonders of wonders,…

A long trail finally nears a warm home Today the most popular means to produce cold fusion is virtually identical to experiments I first performed…

Cold Fusion Nuclear Reactions Inside Compact Fluorescent Bulbs? Cold Fusion nuclear reactions are now clearly (or likely) identified as taking place routinely inside of ordinary…

Pons and Fleischmann created a singularity in 1988 It was one of those moments in science that transforms our understanding of the atom Some few…