Have Cold Fusion Will Travel
‘Baby Boomer’ readers might remember from the early days of television
From the court of Charlemagne came a knight, a paladin, who provided his services to people who needed his help
His solutions were free for the poor and deserving but came at a high price to others
Today’s world is being gunned down by poisons of fossil fuel/fool age, no more, a silver bullet is in hand.
Humanities history is torn between the tales of takers and givers. Our violent species seems always at the ready to take by any and all means from the weak. Not so rarely, but far from often, we are also seen to be givers who take care of those amongst us who are less fortunate. This duality, repeated countless times seems to me to show that the takers have always dominated our world. Their insatiable avarice has laid waste to lands and cultures throughout history. Only truly transformative changes can save us.
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

WTF… some of my readers don’t know the meme here, if this old family tv scene isn’t personally familiar that’s the reason why.
Today our world, our small blue planet, is poisoned by the havoc of a hundred years of fossil fuel emissions, largely CO2. Many new alternative sources of energy to fuel humanities rise to supremacy over nature have been worked on. Tragically they are arriving far too late and with too little influence to solve the twin crisis on this planet resulting from fossil fuels.
The first crisis is the century of yesterdays emissions that amount to more than a trillion tonnes of CO2 that will take centuries to be naturally reduced to less than lethal levels for life as we know/prefer it on this blue planet. Without the antidote, the slow poison will mortally seal our fate.
All the solar panels, wind farms, and conservation practices dealing with energy and the environment won’t do anything about providing the antidote that removes yesterday’s first lethal dose of fossil CO2 from our world. Surely alternative energies might result in humanity slowing the emissions of tomorrows CO2, a second lethal dose of poison into our atmosphere. But with the first lethal dose already wiping out life in a plummeting path to a great extinction event there seems to be little hope.
What this world needs is a twinned antidote and preventative medication.
What I can offer is some hope on the availability of both the antidote to save us from the sins of emission of all of our yesterday’s and the means to rapidly curtail the continuation of these sins for all of our tomorrows. In this post, you may read about the timely arrival of the age of cold fusion to give us the power to avoid taking a second deadly overdose of fossil fuel/fool age CO2.

Click to read more about how my largest ocean experiments in history covering nearly 50,000 sq. kilometers proved we can work with plankton to save life as we like it to be on this blue planet.
To read about the antidote to yesterday’s already deadly overdose of CO2 you will have to get comfortable with learning about the plight of life in the blue part of this blue planet and how in partnership with trillions upon trillions of the dominant living creatures, the plankton, if we help restore their ocean pastures they will save us all from yesterday’s CO2.
As for Tomorrow… what is cold fusion
Cold fusion, which is not an invention but a simple characteristic behaviour of Nature was first glimpsed nearly 100 years ago. It is a complex part of nature that takes place at the atomic scale. It is much more akin to an atom-ecology than reductionist physics. Mysterious production of helium, the second smallest of all atoms was seen in inexplicable experiments in 1933 (Paneth and Peters).
At the time It was believed that nothing produced helium save nuclear fusion reactions that fuse two of the smallest atoms, hydrogen, in the sun to build all the larger atoms in the universe. Helium is the first fusion and the source of the intense heat found inside our sun and all-stars. It was thought that only in those cosmic scale furnaces could helium be born and nothing less hot than millions of degrees could ever fuse hydrogen together in what might be ‘cold fusion.’

Stan Pons (in the striped shirt) and Martin Fleishman in 1989 showing their remarkable cold fusion to kids in University of Utah lab
Until 1989 there were only incredibly rare instances of ‘cold fusion’ reported in the scientific literature. Then out of Utah of all places came the report of cold fusion as produced on demand by the elder British scientist Martin Fleishman and his former graduate student, now chairman of the chemistry department at the junior University of Utah, Stanley Pons. Their announcement rocked the world and in the annals of history of news stories it is ranked ahead of mans first landing on the moon in numbers of people engaged by the ‘discovery.’
Now some 30 years later the story of cold fusion is seen as being one of the most pervasive hostile attacks by the scientific establishment upon the heresy that cold fusion is near the top of the hit list for conventional atomic physics. dogma. Generations of atomic scientists had come to accept ideas of physics as being ‘laws of physics’ and those in violation of the law, well we all know what that means.
The sad story of physics is that with each generation the thoughts exchanged amongst scientist experimentalists and theoreticians are repeatedly reinterpreted by legions of dutiful professorial armchair observers as facts, even laws of physics. He who crafted the best spin and interpretation or meme might aspire to gain more prominence than the discoverers. This is the usual process of humanity where mere dutiful priests prey to become professors, prelates, or even popes. History teaches us that this process is punctuated with deadly inquisitions and character assassinations of those who are preyed upon by the prelates, read up on the Spanish Inquisition if you dare.
Cold fusion has for 30 years been held prisoner on the torture racks of a modern scientific inquisition.
The faithful inquisitors and their followers have predaciously ravaged those who dared to suggest changes to the dogma of atomic science. One of the tools of torture of many has been the tests that have been applied with deadly effect upon explorers of new science. Like the witches dunking chair, cold fusion researchers have been bound and plunged under water, if they drowned it was accepted that their heresy was innocent mistakes.
For those who surfaced and were still breathing, they were condemned as witches and dismembered and dispatched with flesh-ripping efficiency and they are drawn and quartered carcasses scattered in all directions. You might read more about the dirty tricks played against cold fusion by following this link.
Of all the ‘ducking’ tests forced upon cold fusioneers by the atomic physics churches, the most demanding has been covered by the incantation of dogma that states that no nuclear fusion can possibly be seen without energetic radiation. The energetic emissions, especially the gamma ray, has been the mainstay of the nuclear and atomic physics as it carries a distinctive fingerprint of its source and there are vast libraries of such observed gamma fingerprints. If any suspected cold fusion heretic could not produce the demanded gamma ray their career and life were forfeit. Thus the search for energetic emissions, the gamma rays of cold fusion, has been the search for the Holy Grail.
Then one day the heavens opened and for cold fusion the gods lent a hand and granted a glimpse of the vital the gamma rays.
In the spring of this year of our atom 2018, some simple experiments designed to study the atom-ecology where cold fusion might be present were begun. In an old milking shed in the farm fields of Essex on the easternmost boundary of the city of London the heavens opened and the gift of the gods shone down in the form of mysterious solar rays (positronium) that stimulated the cold fusion reactor pellets to dance with abandon.

Atom-ecology experiment (named Androcles) started and almost immediately began yielding an elevated measure of gamma rays. A a particular time every morning for about 4 hours the modestly elevated cold fusion gamma rays became stunningly larger. The manna from heaven continued for many weeks every day. From late morning to early afternoon dance of the gammas was on stage.
The extra gammas of my experiment have taught me many lessons, most important of all being how to make cold fusion ready for the world. To do so it may require taking it on the road to laboratories where open minds might be willing to see with their own eyes this miracle of creation. Nucleosynthesis outside of a star, though with a little help from our starry friends. Many repeats of the experiment have produced a steadily stable long term cold fusion effect. Over the past few decades, I’ve taken cold fusion traveling but never with the troupe of dancing gammas that are so definitive.
Just this week a new/old experiment has been conducted.
A working cold fusion reactor that had for months provided a cornucopia of astonishing energetic emission data and of course, highly useful clean energy heat output was restarted. The tiny reactor the size of a pencil that contains a cold fusion fuel pellet the size of a bean had sat for some weeks on my lab bench. It’s reactor electronics had failed weeks ago when a powerful ‘electrical spike’ had occurred on the main power lines on our farm. That spike literally smoked the modest power supply/electronics providing the activation signal to the cold fusion reactor and the experiment cooled to a stop. That activation is simply heat, nothing special, very much like what you would use to make your breakfast toast, in this case cold fusion toast.
Then my new friend and brilliant mathematician managed, this week, to travel from his far away country to my modest London lab. Back in the spring of this year when I first revealed my ‘lovely gammas’ as seen in the image above he contacted me and started asking the right questions. His questions were about whether I could specifically identify those lovely and extraordinary gammas. When I said, ‘alas no, as I had an insufficient instrument for that task, aka a Gamma Spectrometer’, he immediately sent the funds for me to purchase the vital instrument and from the very first use the results were for those skilled in the art, astonishing.

My tiny ‘atom-ecology’ cold fusion fuel pellets that just keep on giving more than enough ‘lovely gamma rays’ to end the arguments about cold fusion.
In experiments for some months, I have been intensively studying the ever-present gamma rays from a variety of my reactors that contain tiny cold fusion fuel pellets.
On Thursday of this past week at my lab bench, my new collaborating scientist friend and I performed a fresh calibration on the Gamma Spectrometer. I then retrieved from my cluttered bench a long cold reactor tube. My main reactor arrays are undergoing repair.
I placed my old reactor tube in what is nothing more complicated than a toaster. I wasn’t sure whether the reactor would still be active but at the very least it would give me a chance to work with my friend and now a scientific collaborator with the gamma spectroscopic methodology that had already given us startling reproducible and easily Five Sigma results.
Upon the first heating of the old cold tube it came to life. We spent the whole day putting it through its warm-up paces like a racehorse getting ready for the big event. Even as I type this post at home on the weekend, back in the lab the reactor is running.
Whether it will be next week or a ‘few’ more weeks I am increasingly confident that my version of cold fusion will fit neatly into my shirt pocket like a fountain pen. With my highly portable ‘state of the art Gamma Spectrometer’ strapped/holstered to my belt and my laptop computer at the ready, I’ll be able to travel.
If all goes well I hope I might find like-minded scientists/futurists who need to contribute nothing more complicated than a simple toaster to share in bringing to this world a new age of cold fusion to the world as an inexhaustible impossibly inexpensive source of widely distributed peoples power.
The greatest threat to this world is waiting for someone else to save it.