The Daily Heresy 07 May 2019
Cold Fusion Reliably Produces Gamma Rays And Useful Heat
The number of gammas are only a small multiple of typical background levels and indisputable
Sometimes one should be careful for what you wish for
Today’s daily heresy is a combination of a steady production of gamma rays in 4 independent Atom-Ecology reactors. These reactors, once activated, have been showing the gamma signal for weeks with and without input power. The presence of the seemingly steady-state gamma rays is a wonder to behold. In my work I am more and more suffering the trials and tribulations of seeing steady positive gamma signals, so much at times, I worry if the signal is some kind of artifact. When the signal can be made to dramatically change on command it renews my enthusiasm and excitement. My mates and I in the lab call these frequent epiphanies ‘the daily heresy.’

The reactor rack located in the lab of my gracious hosts and collaborators. Each ‘furnace’ holds an independent experiment. Think of my method as one of a biologist and these my Petri dishes. Presently we are conducting a screening protocol that is identifying and classifying active and inactive cold fusion materials and required environments.
In this new series of experiments, with a slight modification to the operation protocol, the gammas suddenly dramatically diminish. This definitive gamma notch in four separate simultaneous Geiger traces as seen above, we believe, is an impeccable proof that cold fusion is present and under control.
Cold fusion power output is rather low and variable, not more than a few tens of watts per cubic centimeter of fuel volume, in these present laboratory bench top compact experiments. Variable means just that, at times sudden cold fusion heating has resulted in melting of alumina ceramic materials adjacent to the fuel pellets, those melted materials bear witness to a temperature of 2070 C, a temperature impossible to attain in our experiments by ‘ordinary’ means.
The solid metal deuterated amalgam which produces our heat and gamma rays, once activated, continues to exhibit cold fusion for weeks and more without any outside stimulation. Seeing such a gamma radiation change/notch with a simple non-destructive change in the material is a first. (Eat your heart out mainstream science journals, especially those who have eschewed cold fusion for decades.)
The gamma rays are a tiny side reaction of the main cold fusion heat. They are produced at levels millions of times below the rate of the main heat reaction, they are never-the-less incredibly useful as a diagnostic tool. We are studying cold fusion emissions in our state of the art Geiger array supplemented by twin Gamma Spectrometers. The work is part of Atom-Ecology’s effort to develop and refine our unique fuel mixtures, activation protocols, and control measures, along with an active theoretical modeling effort that is proving to be mathematically precise and predictive.
There is every reason to believe that cold fusion energy will provide inexpensive inexhaustible clean energy just in time to save our precious blue planet from the fossil fool age. Practical applications for homes, industry, and transportation could be on the market within just a few years.
This blog always welcomes alternative explanations of our pioneering discoveries, it’s darned lonely out here in the wilderness, feel invited to be our peers and help us understand these new wonders of Atom-Ecology.
Impressive! Look forward to more reporting!