Aftenposten, a mainstream newspaper in Norway is publishing on Cold Fusion. Here is a ‘translation patched up with contextual English/Physics parlance’ of the April 2,…

The quest for cold fusion and other remarkable examples of new physics. Mellville wrote in Moby Dick, “I am tormented with an everlasting itch for…

Time is not an inconsequential immaterial force, it has real power As we learn more about the inner depths of what we call atoms, this…

The human world of the science of physics is a poor view of the universe’s view of fusion Fusion comes about by two means, one…

Taxonomy in all fields has always been an argument between the ‘lumpers’ and the latecomers to the field, ‘splitters.’ Neither is singularly correct but the…

So you thought you knew what a proton was. Or at least the mass and charge and all of the other characteristics of protons (and…

Michel Boudart, who passed in 2012, was a chemist of extraordinary character. (Boudart obit) His special area of interest was in catalysis and behaviours of…

Names make so much difference for some. The original work of Fleischmann and Pons was called “cold fusion” which was a very appropriate choice of…

This week discoveries of the two most important things in the Universe have been announced. First a Black Hole so large it may not be…

If renewables won’t save us – What will? Goggle which is one of the world’s best known corporations and a leader in environmentally friendly design…

Sonofusion occurs when one makes use of the concentrating power of a collapsing microscopic bubble(s) to attain uncommon states of matter. Hydrogen in the bubble…

Hidetsuga Ikegami, one of Japan’s great physicists describes cold fusion as being pycnonuclear (star-like) in nature Ikegami’s paper (October 2012) on what he calls chemonuclear…

Oh my that’s odd! Back in the summer of 1989 a remarkable scientific observation was made at the University in Sienna Italy, one of the…

Cold Fusion & LENR recipes deconstructed It’s been fun reading and watching the machinations of cold fusion and it’s skittish cousin lenr. In the absence…

A Russian scientist has reported on his success at reproducing the Rossi HOT CAT Dr. Alexander Parkhomov reports on his success in fully independently replicating the Hot…

The earliest published reference to “duck soup,” meaning something that’s a cinch, was in 1902. Martin Fleischmann who lived out his life on Duck Street…

How knowing about rabbit holes leads to the evidence for deuteron stripping reactions One of many paths in the world of cold fusion My longtime…

New science shows gaping vacancies just below the surface of metal oxides This may change everything we know about catalysts! Years ago I was lucky…

Scientists at Los Alamos have been working and producing cold fusion in glow discharge experiments for 20 years. Glow discharge ‘fluorescent’ cold fusion experiments haven’t…

The US Navy is the remaining developer of nuclear engineering in the USA. 20+ years of US Navy cold fusion research presented Wonders of wonders,…

A long trail finally nears a warm home Today the most popular means to produce cold fusion is virtually identical to experiments I first performed…

Cold Fusion Nuclear Reactions Inside Compact Fluorescent Bulbs? Cold Fusion nuclear reactions are now clearly (or likely) identified as taking place routinely inside of ordinary…

Pons and Fleischmann created a singularity in 1988 It was one of those moments in science that transforms our understanding of the atom Some few…

And patents must teach via revelation of an effective mode of the invention! There is a strange human condition that becomes engaged often when the…

Hope for new generations Cold Fusion (LENR) is an enabling technology. It opens the door to new opportunities and new hopes. It will restore the vigor…

Rossi E-CAT 32 day cold fusion test supervised by major European energy research institute Elforsk shows 1400C heat and stunning isotope ratio shifts. End of…

The Quark Meme I came across a wonderful description of the history of Quarks on an obscure CalTech web page. It’s a great story titled…

Are We About To See Evidence For Hydrinos Let’s Hope So I’ve been around in the cold fusion world long enough to remember seeing Randy…