cold fusion gamma rays

Nothing Compares To Being At The Lab Bench

Nothing Substitutes For Hours At The Lab Bench

It’s been too many hours and days since you took your love away

But being gone so long I can do whatever I want

Nothing compares to you, you lovely Gammas!

A mouse in time makes nine.

As I have grown older I have found a life with too many paths to follow and things to do. Mostly I work as a practicing ecologist with the blue part of this blue planet.  So recently when I was offered some physics lab bench space with the company, and in the lab, of two new friends I accepted. What a joy it is to be on my feet all day, everyday, putting together my newest recipes for cold fusion and popping them into the oven. This lab bench work buys me some grace as well as I am often a stern critic of armchair science, no arm chairs in the new lab 🙁

Even better is when the results start to pop!

Here’s the lab.

Making Cold Fusion Gammas

The Geiger Counter data shown at the top of this post is very RAW data and much work needs to be done on repeating it with further experiments. As this work is meant to build on some friendly ‘cats’ I have named it Androcles. Presently Androcles 2 is cooking at 200-300 degrees C.  Androcles 3-10 are brewing and soon to be tested.

The data which results from an experiment containing a fuel mix that amounts to about 5-10 grains of rice in volume is remarkable. It is revealed here in hope that friends will help me think it through and understand it, there is plenty to think about.

Geiger Gammas in Cold Fusion

The peaks showing here are perfectly reproducible. The apparent background is in fact a bit elevated above the lab background (note those few deep spikes) so the reaction doesn’t seem to want to shut down, just settles down. The apparent radiation dose, in human terms, is less than that one might receive in a dental x-ray. Most important here are the bits without the higher level gamma radiation!  It beckons one to be prudent with power demands and teaches that without prudence there is potential danger. This is data from one of three Geigers being used to monitor the experiment(s).

Once more lab bench experiments are showing the same result, if they do, it will be time to reveal more on the protocol that triggers the emissions. Speaking too soon or too boldly leads one down the rabbit hole and I am entirely too near to Lewis Carroll’s old haunts to dare falling in, at least not until it becomes clear whether to take the red pill or the blue pill.

(For those in the know simultaneous experiments were hoped to be roaring lions but four, so far, have proven to be stone cold dead without so much as a hint of a kittens mew, however they do serve well as sound controls.)

Androcles, friend to cats who chase mice

I have told a colleague, who works seperately in this field, Andrea Rossi, in the past that regardless of his keeping his cards and E-Cats recipes close to his chest, a rising Italian tide will lift all boats ;). With a little more caulking of the seams this old boat will be ready for sea and it will then be time to call for all hands on deck. The world desperately needs clean abundant energy and the greatest danger to that reality not becoming a fact soon enough to save the world is waiting for someone else to deliver it.

Compact fusion bulb

Also in the early stages of testing on the laboratory bench, this will warm your body and soul while it saves our world from tomorrows CO2, ending the fossil fool age.

Stay tuned more truly astonishing cold fusion data will be showing up here in short order. This is simple and inexpensive science and the goal is to deliver megawatts of useful heat to repower this suffering world with an abundance of clean green energy. There is every reason to believe that the technology will provide all the energy a household might need at the cost of a compact flourescent/fusion light bulb. Energy too cheap to meter, coming to your world just in time!

While it is thrilling for nuclear physicists to be seeing those peaks of gamma rays.  Far more important is the apparent ability to turn off that potentially bothersome gamma radiation.

Thanks to Alan and Martin for the place to work and friendship, nothing compares to you.

PS. A new Gamma Spectrometer has been ordered and ought to be up and running in a matter of days.

PPS. Plenty of questions are arriving, but hey this is what data and ideas I have to offer at present. I have shown you mine you might reciprocate and show me yours. Surely some of the cold fusion gamma phase community might share I hope. Trolls and botflies need not bother.

UPDATE 14 May 2018 The Lovely Gammas won’t go away, well except when I tell them to but they do come when they are called as well.

Lovely Gammas

Lovely Cold Fusion Gamma Rays — they keep on beaming beautifully and thanks to some well established ideas in cosmic ray muography are behaving quite predictably.

A cautionary or worried piece of advice has come my way.

I wouldn’t rave on too much about those “lovely gammas” if I were you The hot fusion priests may use them as a fall-back position and say “OK, so some forms of cold fusion do work but the gammas make them too dangerous, elaborate or expensive to use”.

(With that, they would be ignoring the neutrons from the DT reaction which hot fusion is still hoping to use but, hey, this is the “post truth” era, remember?).”

My reply is to say, no worries about that as one of the guys during Max Planks day once noted when asked when the high priests of physics would accept his new findings and his reply was, ‘Never, the old guard will die first, it will be the next generation that accepts these discoveries and puts them to use.’

lovely gammas

Lovely Gammas herald a new age of clean green energy.

My grandsons and grand-daughter will one day soon be old enough to take over from me to manage the world of endless wonder this defining of the ecology of atoms unveils. They are the ones for whom I do this work standing at the lab bench every day bathing in that warming gamma glow. I only hope that I can live long enough to see that I have helped save this blue planet from the fossil fool age, another year or two is all it will take, though it will be 30 years on the trail by then.

For those wondering how the fusion energy being observed compares to more familiar conventional forms of energy the graphic here tells the story.

Click to enlarge

A 1,000-megawatt cold fusion power plant will consume around 100 kg of deuterium in a year whilst generating 7 billion kilowatt-hours of power. To generate the same amount of electricity, a coal-fired power plant would need around 1.5 million tonnes of coal.

Our use of fossil fuels produces pollutants, including nitrous oxides and carbon dioxide. In particular, the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to burning fossil fuels, today and tomorrow, is said to be a significant contributor to global warming. Continued and increasing burning of fossil fuels, with the deadly increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emissions, will have a profound effect on local climates. Fossil fuels result in 78% of EU greenhouse gas emissions. Clean green limitless too cheap to meter cold fusion energy will now rapidly replace fossil fuels in every sector of the energy economy.