EU Parliament Holds Special Meeting June 03, Preparing For Cold Fusion Age.

EU Parliament Holds Special Meeting June 03, Preparing For Cold Fusion Age.

STRAATSBURG-VLAGGENThe European Parliament has scheduled a special meeting on 3 June 2013 to discuss cold fusion. The meeting organized and supported by the Italian Government Energy Agency ENEA, equivalent to the US DOE, will bring to the EU parliamentarian’s the astonishing news that cold fusion, 24 years after its announcement in Utah, has finally arrived.

On the ENEA, web site they state that  the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, announces that there will be a meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium on June 3 to discuss the Fleischmann Pons Effect.

The title of the meeting is “New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect: Paving the way for a potential new clean renewable energy source?”

It goes on further to say:
ENEA1The meeting co-organized by ENEA at the European Parliament. Under the patronage of Hon. Amalia Sartori, Chair of the ITRE Committee c / o European Parliament, the event sees participants between the Commissioner ENEA Giovanni Lelli, the Director of the Industrial Technologies Directorate Herbert Von Bose, the Director of the Sidney Kimmel Institute for Nuclear Renaissance (USA) Graham Hubler (until recently a Top US DOD nuclear science expert), and the Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of Missouri (USA) Robert Duncan.

The time and location is listed as:

European Parliament – Brussels
Friday, June 3, 2013 from 16:30 to 18:45,
Room Jozsef Antall 6Q1

A description of the purpose of the meeting reads:

The European community Should become aware of the “state-of-the-art” of the studies on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect of the phenomenon and potential future perspectives in the field of Material Science and renewable, clean energy. Energy densities Measured During Fleischmann and Pons Effect (FPE) are hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of times larger than the maximum energy associated to any known chemical process.


Fleischmann & Pons

This effect was first Discovered in 1989 by two electrochemists Prof. Dr. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, by loading palladium with deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen). This excess energy is not associated with nuclear radiation and does not appear when light water (H2O ) is used. ENEA (Italy), Stanford Research International (SRI, USA) and Energetics LLC (USA) have been collaborating on an alternative energy project since 2004 based upon the Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE). The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL, USA) joined the research team in 2008 and since 2010. Also the University of Missouri was involved in the research in cooperation.

All the collaborating institutions, after several years of scientific review process, do not question the existence of this very strong isotope effect as FPE has been observed during the experiments in laboratories . The proposed event, tries to present the “situation point” of this promising research field and even to design the future steps at EU and International level.

allboats1Naturally the meeting will be discussing the very recent arXiv report confirming the Italian cold fusion breakthrough announced 2o May. Here’s a link to more on how the rising Italian cold fusion tide will lift all boats and facilitate rapid globalization of cold fusion energy.

Undoubtedly on many of the parliamentarian’s minds will be how to prepare for and cope with the immediate economic upheaval that may result from the conversion of more than $4 trillion of fossil fuel investments into high risk “stranded assets” as the cold fusion future becomes a surprising reality in short order.


Abandoned Gas Station Pump

Here’s a link to more details on stranding fossil fuel assets….