Adventure vs. Add Vulture, On The Trail Of Clean Egalatarian Energy
Social media forums of the internet are a strange ecosystem
My lovely gamma data that was recently published on the net is drawing plenty of comments and plenty of spear review
Honest and earnest people have introduced themselves, lent a helping hand, and the pace of progress on the path is accelerating
One has to wonder where anyone might have channelled the knowledge an anonymous social media bot made about my cold fusion energy experiment and its ‘lovely gammas’ coming from an ‘unfueled’ reactor. I guess by trying to make the clear result something mystical might distract from its clear ‘boat rocking’ of mainstream physics dogma . Such ‘spear review’ is most certainly not the case. There is a very specifically conceived and prepared ‘fuel mix’ that I used in producing the raw gamma signal, those lovely gammas, that has been shared. A number of other fuel mix experiments have been run in parallel showing no such gamma signal save one other.
I use a tiny amount of fuel, a volume equal to 5-10 grains of rice, but it is most certainly a cold fusion energy ‘fuel’ that was chosen with guidance of the atom-ecology of the environment it would be subjected to and create. By the way I also prepare and load this fuel in air, a fact that might be a big tip to those skilled in the art. As my planned progression of fuel mixes go into the oven(s) over the next few weeks I expect/hope more about the specific characteristics of the atom-ecology where cold fusion is prevalent will be revealed. This is not a solitary exercise I have two great friends working with me, who have hosted me in their lab.
A brief history of mine
I have spent some decades preparing and working with experiments that produced what my friend Martin Fleischmann called ‘high fugacity deuterium’, aka UHD systems. In my opinion no one truly ‘skilled in the art’ of cold fusion would do otherwise. ‘Search for the nuclear smoke’ was the admonishment at the beginning of cold fusion some 30 years ago, the best advice from the best minds of the time was ‘if you have nuclear fire you must have nuclear smoke.’
Fleischmann after some years fessed up to cold fusion peers and noted that the hotter one runs cold fusion experiments the better! Limited of course by what the hot environment does to the fuel components. Heat is the enemy of high fugacity.
In my earliest work, especially in the arena of sonofusion, I focused on the nuclear smoke, I began by utilizing mass spec services from the top outside laboratories as well as building my own low mass helium spectrometers. This sort of hands on experimentation is what it takes to make, find, and deliver cold fusion. While cold fusion heat needs to be present and is the useful palpable technology I principally was interested in and observed 4He in vast amounts 100ppm or more, far above the 5.22 ppm of helium in air and almost never any penetrating emissions. Many of those searches for penetrating emissions used state of the art LN2 cooled large germanium spectrometers and a variety of similar state of the art neutron detectors – all failing to see the penetrating emissions sought.
In the past and at present I have been using tired and true Geiger Counters to keep watch on my experiments. They are very good tools for seeing significant changes in atom-ecology that ought to result in penetrating emissions. There are lacking in their utility for very specifically identifying what the cold fusion nuclear reactions are but first things first. If you can’t smell the smoke you won’t be able to make the fire. Think of it like rubbing two sticks together you smell things getting hot long before you need to do much about adding more perfect fuel to get a blaze going.
None of my inventions came by accident. I see a worthwhile need to be met and I make trial after trial until it comes. What it boils down to is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. – Thomas Edison
Trials and tribulations of anonymous social media
Social media forums (and blogs) are sometimes useful and a few grains of good ideas sometimes are found amongst the abundance of chaff. But the anonymous side internet often makes it nigh unto impossible to put a measure of trust in what is posted, especially by those who lack the courage of their convictions, interest, and intentions to make themselves known. That results in such blather as what this reply is about that I have used an unfueled experiment.
An invitation
By the way I am demonstrably willing to engage privately with truly interested participants in this important field provided they introduce themselves and have something of equivalent value to offer in exchange, that’s the way science and society has always worked. The work I do is on a single small lab bench with very limited resources. Progress might expand geometrically with bench space and additional helping hands and minds. Those wanting to be part and add to the venture are welcome, those only wanting to add to their inner vulture are not. Adventure vs. Advulture, ever it has been so.
Join me, saving this world from the fossil fool age demands a clean abundant energy source that is affordable and immediately useful to the poorest people’s of the world. This is far more important than such technology being tailored for the richest people of the world.